> <\body> allows users to create multiple bibliographies, tables of contents, indexes, inside the same document. Let us explain how to do this for bibliographies; the procedure is similar for other types of automatically generated content. First of all, every separate bibliography is identified by a ``name''. The default name of the bibliography is . Using , it is possible to specify a different bibliography (than the default one) for a certain region of text. For instance, to specify that a given citation should appear in a second bibliography with name , you should proceed as follows: <\itemize> Click on and enter on the prompt. This will insert an empty tag into your document, with the cursor inside. Inside this tag, enter your citation, using . If needed, the tag can be made to span over a large portion of text. All citations inside this span will be be put into the bibliography with name . The bibliography itself should be created in a similar way: first click on and enter on the prompt. Next insert the bibliography as usual, . Now do as many times as need in order to generate the bibliography and get all links right.