> <\body> Even though our main focus is on the stabilization of and to make it more suitable for developers, we intend to continue some time on the development on new features. A few points currently have our priority: <\itemize> Further development of the graphical drawing mode. Our main next goal is to allows users to create new macros, either by explicit constructions or constrained-based constructions. Finally, we would like to incorporate several features which are typically found in editors of vector graphics, such as |http://www.inkscape.org/>. Extended features for computer algebra sessions, such as automatic folding of large expressions, lazy output (with subexpressions which can be further evaluated by clicking on them), cas-aided writing, etc. Continue the development of remote servers for providing web-based services in combination with . These services comprise chatting (with mathematical formulas) and collaborative authoring. Development of universal spreadsheet tools, which can be connected to any external plug-in for doing the computations. In a similar vein, external plug-ins might be used to draw graphs of functions in the graphical mode. >