<\body> changelog> <\itemize> Fissati molti bug minori (1.0.1). Modifiche definitive del menu (1.0.1). Migliorati i chenei menus ( Fissati molti bug e ripulite parti di codice ( Inserita nei pacchetti la parte I della documentazione sui marcatori \ ( Varianti alle descrizioni ( Personalizzazione di riferimenti bibliografici e indici ( Personalizzazione numeri di pagina ( Numerazione degli equation arrays ( Alcuni miglioramenti nel filtro di input per il LaTeX ( Ripulitura di David Allouche, soprattutto in menu.scm ( Supporto della lingua Finlandese ( Miglioramenti del dizionario tedesco ( Fissaggio temporaneo di problemi con g++ 3.2 ( Fissati alcuni problemi con Guile 1.6 ( Fissati numerosi bug secondari ( Supporto di basso livello per grafici elementari ( Sistema di documentazione online inserito di default ( Nuovi algoritmi per determinare i bordi delle tabelle ( Introdotte lettere dell'alfabeto greco come varianti di lettere ordinarie ( Applicate molte piccole patch di David Allouche ( Creazione del tag made-by-TeXmacs ( Aggiornata l'interfaccia per Axiom ( Assemblaggio automatico della documentazione ( Navigazione semplificata all'interno dell'aiuto ( Possibilitą di introdurre interruzioni di pagina ( Ripulitura in base.scm di David Allouche ( Interfaccia rudimentale per GNU Octave ( Correzione di molti bug secondari ( Supporto di completamento automatico per sistemi di computer algebra ( Completamento automatico con tab ( Aggiunti tag contestuali al menu Testo ( Miglioramenti del convertitore da LaTeX a TeXmacs per reimportare documenti esportati precedentemente ( Generazione automatica del preambolo invece di utilizzare il file TeXmacs.sty ( Fabbrica di widget per i menu spostata nell'interfaccia Scheme ( Varianti di circolazione per alcuni ambienti ( Nuovo aspetto del menu ( Modifiche al convertitore ad LaTeX a TeXmacs ( Inizio dell'implementazione del convertitore da TeXmacs a Html ( Correzione di un grave bug che talvolta impediva l'accesso alla tastiera ( Migliorato il supporto per la tastiera numerica e pr alcuni accenti ( Cambiamento completo del comportamento della tastiera ( Rilevamento automatico configurazione del modificatore di chiavi ( Traduzione automatica dei menu nella documentazione ( Guile/Scheme script nei documenti ( Sistema wildcard per le abbreviazioni da tastiera ( Ulteriore riorganizzazione dei menu ( Supporto per oggetti grigi nel menu, checkmark \ e ... nel menu ( Determinazine automatica nel menu delle abbreviazioni da tastiera ( Widget attaccati al display corrente in tempo reale ( Migliorata l'interfaccia reduce e axiom ( Rimpiazzato il preprocessore gencc con il sistema standard di template C++ ( Intestazioni e note nel menu ( Fissati bug secondari ( Riorganizzazione del manuale in line ( Prefissi standard per la tastiera nello stile tmdoc ( Modifiche per la compilazione g++ 3.1 ( Implementazione di frecce con limiti superiori e inferiori ( Prima parte della riorganizzazione dell'impaginazione del menu ( Supporto delle preferenze dell'utilizatore ( Attivazione del richiamo di caratteri matematici in alcuni caratteri speciali ( Supporto per la piattaforma itanium ( Switch e arrotolamenti in forma rudimentale ( Migliorata la documentazione per l'aggiunta di nuovi sistemi di computer algebra ( Aggiunto il modo presentazione ( Migliorate le interfacce QCL, Axiom e Mupad ( Informazioni visuali sull'ambiente durante la composizione documenti ( Stili lettera e esame; il vecchio stile lettera diviene ``generico'' ( Implementazione macro sottoscrivi e sovrascrivi ( Inseriti i caratteri speciali cal, frak e Bbb ( Piccoli miglioramenti al convertitore da LaTeX a TeXmacs ( Aggiunti i file di stile amsart e jsc ( Ulteriore riorganizzazione dei file di stile ( Traduzione in spagnolo di molti file dell'aiuto ( Ulteriore riorganizzazione dei file di stile ( Esempi di documenti TeXmacs disponibili dall'aiuto in linea ( Supporto sperimentale per Giac ( Supporto sperimentale per MacOSX con l'aiuto di Martin Costabel ( Trattamento dei suffissi nel caricamento e salvataggio di Gareth McCaughan ( Supporto sperimentale per il sistema Axiom di Andrey Grozin ( Supporto sperimentale per la lingua italiana con l'aiuto di Xav ( Fissato un bug con lo stile sessione sistemi di computer algebra ( Versione preliinare dell'aiuto in linea ( Supporto per Cygwin ( Un file di stile per cas ( Creazione automatica di menu per lo stile file ( Caching dei file di stile ( Determinazione euristica del tipo di documento in assenza di suffissi ( Supporto sperimentale Cygwin di Marciano Siniscalchi ( Possibilitą di marcare posizioni multiple in un documento ( Selezioni con il tasto shift ( Init.scm e Init-buffer.scm rinominati init-texmacs.scm e init-buffer.scm ( Supporto sperimentale per la lingua ucraina di Volodymyr M. Lisivka ( Aggiunti i tipi path, display, widget, array tree e array widget all'interfaccia di scheme ( Accenti ampi nelle formule ( Selezione progressiva strutturale verso l'alto ( Corretto un bug di internazionalizzazione sulla correzione ortografica ( Posizione della barra di scorrimento nei cambiamenti di messa a fuoco ( Migliorata l'impaginazione nei menu delle abbreviazioni da tastiera ( <\itemize> Some minor bug fixes (1.0). Several important bug fixes ( Implementation of , and ( Keyboard shortcuts are shown left-aligned in the menus ( Added , , , commands for obtaining the corresponding mathematical operator and constants ( Finetuned blank space in math mode ( Bugfix by S. Payard when destroying windows ( More standard behaviour of itemize, enumerate and description ( Improved TeXmacs to LaTeX converter written in Scheme ( Added support for british english ( Added support for the qcl quantum computing language ( Several bugs were fixed ( Wait indicator during the automatic generation of fonts ( New target for compilation: extern libraries are linked dynamically and intern libraries statically ( Patch by D. Allouche for doing more security checks during style processing ( Patch by D. Allouche for automatically generated content inside other structure ( Fixed bug for upgrading titles of old documents ( More user friendly interface for entering titles ( Bugfixes for spell checking, interline spacing and shoving in ( Forward delete for non-structured text ( Special fast page breaking algorithm for only one flow ( User interface for footnotes, floats and page breaking ( Positioning of floats ( Updates for the portuguese dictionary by Alexandre Taschetto de Castro ( A page breaking algorithm which support floats, footnotes and multicolumn content ( Better clearing algorithm when scrolling text ( A web page which explains how to contribute to TeXmacs ( Better keyboard support for eastern european languages ( Support of several miscellaneous symbols like the euro sign ( Updates for the czech language support ( The reactivity of the keyboard and scrollbar have been drastically improved ( Workaround for a bug in recent versions of ghostscript ( Bug fix for spell checking ( Bug fix for computing environment in macro arguments ( Rpm now supports mime types and inserts TeXmacs icon in application menu ( Wheel mouse support ( The russian dictionary has been updated ( Reimplementation of projects using file inclusions ( File inclusions ( Portuguese/brazilian language support by Mįrcio Laurini ( Many corrections in the german translation by Thomas Langen and Ralf Treinen ( Dictionaries are now in scheme format ( Support for Andrey Grozin's tool in Python for the manipulation of dictionaries ( Footnotes, floats and multicolumn format for papyrus page type ( Figure and table environments ( Hungarian language support by Andras Kadinger ( A few bug fixes ( Continued implementation of lazy typesetting; cells in tables may now be multi-paragraph documents ( Easier deletion of rows and columns in tables and selections ( Support for postscript output of computer algebra sessions ( Inline images in addition to linked images ( Garbage collection of seemingly obsolete images ( Nicer -geometry option ( Copying and pasting computer algebra output into the input ( Adjustments to loading and saving buffers ( Corrected indentation bug after eqnarray* and similar macros ( First implementation of mathematical input in computer algebra sessions ( Arbitrary predicates instead of modes and languages for keyboard mappings ( Variant of expand construct with inaccessible borders ( Started implementation of page insertions and multicolumn construct ( Computer algebra sessions are silently (re)started when feeding new input and the system is inactive ( Recursive kill on all subprocesses when closing a computer algebra session ( Fixed minor keyboard-related bugs ( <\itemize> Cite and nocite may take more than one argument ( Computations with tuples and macros with many arguments ( Short documentation on automatic content generation ( Automatic index generation ( Glossaries have been further improved ( Glossaries and nicer tables of contents ( Decorations of pieces of (hyphenated) paragraphs ( Implementation of repeated patterns ( Implementation of references to page numbers ( Many bug fixes for tables and other things ( Some minor bug corrections ( Started ``lazyfication'' of typesetter ( Short documentation on tables ( Reimplementation of split construct by tables ( Rudimentary implementation of subtables, which cannot yet occur in macro expansions ( Some minor bug corrections ( Minor changes in the tutorial pages ( Fixed minor bugs for recent SUN/solaris systems ( Implementation of subtable selections ( Removed old table support ( Fixed bug for displaying trees ( Completely new implementation of tabular material, including many new features ( Added czech language support with the help of David Rezac ( Added the start of a TeXmacs tutorial on the website ( Documentation for the mathematical typesetting algorithms ( Added support for the accented characters for adobe fonts (in Metafont). ( The measures of spacing in the style files are now relative to the font size and no longer absolute. ( Profound changes in the typesetting algorithms for mathematical formulas: the way scripts are placed, spacing between components, size and positioning of big delimiters, italic corrections, etc. ( The logical bounding boxes for strings are now determined from the files ( Change in architecture of website ( Package for pregenerating TeX fonts ( Corrected bug in new spec file ( Compatability with gcc 2.96 ( Changed the spec file ( Several minor bugfixes ( Fixed a bug for building on BSD ( A major bugfix for starting up TeXmacs ( Added support for Mupad thanks to Andrey Grozin ( Several bug fixes ( Added support for Yacas ( Added support for Reduce thanks to Andrey Grozin ( Improved interface for Maxima thanks to Andrey Grozin ( Cross execution of commands between TeXmacs and CAS' ( <\itemize> Many bug fixes for the new data format ( Support for special characters in conversion from HTML ( Scheme filters for computer algebra sessions ( Vertical grouping of lines in papyrus mode ( Several minor editing facilities ( Elimination of old data format support II with 7 percent speed gain on mathematical texts ( Restructuring of routines in , part II ( Clicking on citations jumps to bibliography ( Corrected bug when selecting inside script root ( Replaced physical fonts by logical structure in icon bar ( Elimination of old data format support I ( Restructuring of routines in , part I ( Better cursor movement in computer algebra sessions ( Lists more context sensitive ( Search, replace and spell descend further into structure ( Restructuring of directory ( Conversion algorithm for upgrading to new format II with unfortunate 15 percent speed loss on mathematical text ( Conversion algorithm for upgrading to new format I ( New bridge between logical and physical document III ( New bridge between logical and physical document II ( Restructuring the typesetter, part IV ( Several minor bug fixes ( New bridge between logical and physical document I ( Several minor bug fixes ( Restructuring the typesetter environment, part III ( Restructuring the typesetter environment, part II ( Restructuring the typesetter environment, part I ( Corrected bug in infinitesimal horizontal cursor positioning ( Restructuring the typesetter, part III ( New algorithm for finding rectangles to redraw, part II ( Cursor aspect changes in bold or sans serif text ( Scrollbar position remains invariant under focus changes ( Some bugfixes ( Slight acceleration of menus ( Support for dead keys ( Arrows on scrollbars ( New algorithm for finding rectangles to redraw, part I ( Natural magnification proposal when loading pictures ( Alternative tag-based support for local environment changes ( Correction of a severe bug for printing documents ( Support for reading the Maxima user manual inside TeXmacs ( Style files are processed slightly faster ( Speed optimization for mathematical text of approximately 10 percent ( Restructuring the typesetter, part II ( Adapted for parallel compilation ( Experimental interface with Maxima by Andrey Grozin ( Several bugfixes ( Restructuring the typesetter, part I ( Several minor bugfixes ( Support for prompts in computer algebra sessions ( More interactive macro expansion, part II ( Support for png and jpeg image formats ( More interactive macro expansion, part I ( <\itemize> Changed numbering convention ( Removed support for old intern tree representations ( Added many new executable constructs ( Definition of several TeXmacs routines in scheme ( Speed optimization of approximately 10 percent (0.3.2-9). Correction of several bugs (0.3.2-8). Polish language support by Robert Janusz (0.3.2-8). Improved algorithm for partial text rendering (0.3.2-7). Improved sloppy hyphenation algorithm (0.3.2-7). Removal old path conversion algorithm part III (0.3.2-6). Russian keyboard support in X initialization by Andrey Grozin (0.3.2-5). Removal old path conversion algorithm part II (0.3.2-5). Removal old path conversion algorithm part I (0.3.2-4). Matrix boxes derive from composite boxes (0.3.2-3). Action boxes derive from change boxes (0.3.2-3). Selections are compatible with new path conversion algorithm (0.3.2-3). New algorithm for tree path to cursor position conversion (0.3.2-2). New algorithm for cursor position to tree path conversion (0.3.2-1). <\itemize> More abstract relative positioning of subboxes (0.3.2-0). Slightly improved conversion to LaTeX documents (0.3.1-9). Changed data format for big symbols and primes (0.3.1-9). Improved routine for languages (0.3.1-9). Keyboard shorthands displayed in help balloons (0.3.1-8). Saving and loading documents as scheme expressions (0.3.1-8). Multiple selections (0.3.1-8). Selections may be imported and exported in several formats (0.3.1-8). A more comprehensible data format for TeXmacs files (0.3.1-7). Keyboard shorthand notation more or less compatible with Emacs (0.3.1-6). New representation of TeXmacs trees (0.3.1-1 until 0.3.1-5). <\itemize> Conversion to LaTeX uses babel (0.3.0-7). Spanish language support by David Moriano Garcia (0.3.0-7). Debian package for TeXmacs by Ralf Treinen (0.3.0-7). Man-page for (0.3.0-6). Hyperlinks and actions associated to text (0.3.0-6). Corrections in german dictionary by Ralf Treinen (0.3.0-6). Spell checker based on (0.3.0-5). Conversion of TeX constructs over and pmatrix (0.3.0-4). Computer algebra sessions can have names and run in parallel (0.3.0-4). Execution of commands in sessions may be interrupted (0.3.0-4). Removal of TeXmacs lisp and web pages from distribution (0.3.0-4). Textual search and query replace (0.3.0-3). Help balloons (0.3.0-2). Style dependent menus and icons (0.3.0-2). Only present fonts are listed in font menus, when using teTeX (0.3.0-2). Iconbars can be disabled (0.3.0-2). Special support for pixmaps (0.3.0-1). Icon bars (0.3.0-1). Increased dynamism of menus and icon bars (0.3.0-1). Easier selections using (0.3.0-1). Texts may have a background color (0.3.0-1). <\itemize> TeXmacs has officially become (0.3.0-0). Undo and redo of configurable depth (0.2.5-10). Fix of a evolutivity problem in guile-1.4 (0.2.5-10). Some brief documentation on the implementation of fonts, the TeXmacs data format and converters to other formats (0.2.5-10). Startup banner (0.2.5-9). First implementation of communication with extern packages via pipes (0.2.5-9). Started migration towards cleaner TeXmacs data format (0.2.5-8). Implementation of a file chooser (0.2.5-8). Menus have been made ``sticky'' (0.2.5-8). Corrected bugs in the russian language support (0.2.5-7). Emacs compatability keystrokes (0.2.5-7). New implementation of virtual fonts (0.2.5-7). First support of the russian language, with help from Andrey Grozin (0.2.5-6). Improved anti-aliasing algorithm (0.2.5-5). Use ec fonts instead of cm fonts (0.2.5-5). Added support for adobe postscript fonts (0.2.5-5). Anti-aliasing of X fonts (0.2.5-4). Integrated functionalities of structure into the structure itself (0.2.5-3). Replaced convert method in structure by and methods. Allows fonts to be moved one level down to the Resource directory (0.2.5-2). <\itemize> Added manpage for TeXmacs (0.2.5-1). Wrote texmacs.spec file for use with rpm (0.2.5-1). New layout for webpage (0.2.5-1). Menus translated into swedish by Harald Ellmann (0.2.4h). More sophisticated alarm (0.2.4h). Started implementing HTML to converter (0.2.4g). Patch for by Rob Clark (0.2.4g). Wide hats, scripts with limits, penalties, no line breaks (0.2.4g). Easy incorporation of pictures created by xfig, with incorporated LaTeX formulas (0.2.4g). Romanian menus by Dan Ignat (0.2.4f). Configuration using and simplified installation of interface with guile (0.2.4f). Automatic generation of tables of contents, except for page references (0.2.4e). Added romanian help files (thanks to Dan Ignat) and romanian hyphenation (0.2.4e). Completely replaced -lisp by (0.2.4d). First dynamic interface with guile (0.2.4c). First implementation of multifile projects (0.2.4c). Automatic generation of bibliographies using (0.2.4c). Auto save recovery and ``no changes need to be saved'' (0.2.4b). Nicer recursive dynamic commands (0.2.4b). TeXmacs style file for conversions to LaTeX documents (0.2.4b). Hybrid LaTeX/TeXmacs commands (0.2.4b). Preview with (0.2.4b). <\itemize> Correction of some scrolling bugs (0.2.4a). and invalid fonts in user directory (0.2.4a). Help files are read only (0.2.4a). Popup menus (0.2.4a). Better implementation of page sizes; papyrus becomes default (0.2.3h). Values of labels are saved (0.2.3h). Extra fonts via menus (0.2.3g). Normal (fast) and professional (slower) hyphenation (0.2.3f). Possibility to compile TeXmacs with recent g++ compilers and to compile with optimization. This speeds up the editor about 2 to 3 times, except for displaying text (0.2.3f). Normal (fast) and professional (slower) hyphenation (0.2.3f). Loading pk files three times faster (0.2.3e). Starting up 50 percent faster (0.2.3e). Scrolling 50 percent faster (0.2.3e). Corrected bug for making selections (0.2.3e). 0.1 sec delay in displaying popup menus (0.2.3d). Better cursor positioning for macro expansions (0.2.3d). Typesetting (simple) trees (0.2.3d). Easier interface for including images (0.2.3d). Incorporation of postscript images (0.2.3c). Web pages included in documentation (0.2.3c). Correction of some bugs concerning multiple windows (0.2.3b). <\itemize> Implementation of a server for handling multiple views. Facility to execute editing commands using command names. Correction of several bugs concerning menus. Implementation of more dynamical menus. Menu items now show equivalent key-bindings. Implementation of symbol menus. <\initial> <\collection> <\references> <\collection> > > |?>> > > |?>> > > > > > > > <\auxiliary> <\collection> <\associate|toc> |math font series||1Changes between TeXmacs 1.0 and TeXmacs 1.0.1> |math font series||2Changes between TeXmacs 0.3.5 and TeXmacs 1.0> |math font series||3Changes between TeXmacs 0.3.4 and TeXmacs 0.3.5> |math font series||4Changes between TeXmacs 0.3.3 and TeXmacs 0.3.4> |math font series||5Changes between TeXmacs 0.3.2 and TeXmacs 0.3.3> |math font series||6Changes between TeXmacs 0.3.1 and TeXmacs 0.3.2> |math font series||7Changes between TeXmacs 0.3.0 and TeXmacs 0.3.1> |math font series||8Changes between TeXmacs 0.2.5 and TeXmacs 0.3.0> |math font series||9Changes between TeXmacs 0.2.4 and TeXmacs 0.2.5> |math font series||10Changes between TeXmacs 0.2.3 and TeXmacs 0.2.4> |math font series||11Changes between TeXmacs 0.2.2 and TeXmacs 0.2.3>