> <\body> From the user's point of view, a plug-in > will usually be distributed on some web-site as a binary tarball with the name <\verbatim> \ \ \ \ --.tar.gz If you installed yourself in the directory , then you should unpack this tarball in the directory , using <\verbatim> \ \ \ \ tar -zxvf --.tar.gz This will create a > subdirectory in . As soon as you restart , the plug-in should be automatically recognized. If not, then click on and relaunch . Please read the documentation which comes with your plug-in in order to learn using it. <\remark> If you did not install yourself, or if you do not have write access to , then you may also unpack the tarball in . Here we recall that defaults to . When starting , your plug-in should again be automatically recognized. <\remark> If the plug-in is distributed as a source tarball like --src.tar.gz>, then you should first compile the source code before relaunching . Depending on the plug-in (read the instructions), this is usually done using <\verbatim> \ \ \ \ cd ; make or <\verbatim> \ \ \ \ cd ; ./configure; make <\remark> In order to upgrade a plug-in, just remove the old version in or using <\verbatim> \ \ \ \ rm -rf and reinstall as explained above. >