> <\body> The specifies which mathematical environments can be used inside text-mode. In other words, the environments should be used inside text-mode, but their bodies contain mathematical formulas or tables of mathematical formulas. <\explain|> A numbered equation. Use a to be able to this equation elsewhere. <\explain|> An unnumbered equation. <\explain|> An equation with an arbitrary text label to be displayed in references (e.g. or . Notice that the tag is not created automatically. <\explain|> An array of numbered equations (not yet implemented). <\explain|> An array of unnumbered equations. You can use the tag in order to number the equation.\ <\warning> The numbering of equations inside tables is not yet as it should be. In particular, the tag is equivalent to at the moment. Later on, when the tag will be implemented correctly, you will also have a tag in order to suppress the number of an equation, and a style package for numbering equations at the left hand side. <\warning> There is no option for numbering equations at the left hand side available yet. Nevertheless, you may use the manual tag for this. You also have a tag which directly display the next number and increases the equation counter. <\warning> We do not encourage the use of the AMS- environments , and . Nevertheless, they are available under the names , , together with their variants , and . In the future, we plan to provide more powerful environments. >