> <\body> |> |> |> |> |> >\Q tag> <\block-if-else|> <\unfolded-documentation|Description> > <|block-if-else> <\unfolded-documentation|Usage> <\explain|string tag) ,@nl)>>> <\block-texmacs-tag|description-aligned> <\block-for||> >>>|The main body of the macro.|An argument of type \P>\Q.> <\block-if|> <\unfolded-documentation|Current definition> <\surround||> <\tm-fragment> >|string tag))>>>> <\block-if|> <\unfolded-documentation|Structured variants> <\block-if|> The >> tag has several : ||>>>>. You may circle among these variants using the keyboard shortcuts and . You may also pick a specific variant from the >> menu or the >> menu on the focus toolbar. <\block-if|> For most style files, the >> environment is |numbered|unnumbered>. The environment has |an unnumbered|a numbered> variant >>. You may toggle the numbering using the keyboard shortcut , the menu entry , or by pressing the icon on the focus toolbar. <\block-if|> <\block-if|> The >> environment is \Pfolded\Q and has an unfolded variant >>. You may unfold the environment using the keyboard shortcut , the menu entry , or by pressing the icon on the focus toolbar. <\block-if|> The >> environment is \Punfolded\Q and has a folded variant >>. You may fold the environment using the keyboard shortcut , the menu entry >>, or by pressing the >> icon on the focus toolbar. Folding and unfolding is performed automatically during the traversal of a document in . <\block-if|> <\unfolded-documentation|Style preferences> |> |<\implied-scm> (list-filter (search-tag-parameters t) parameter-show-in-menu?) > |<\implied-scm> (search-tag-themes t) > The rendering of the >> tag can be customized by editing the macro which defines it. This can be done by clicking on button in the menu (or in the equivalent icon menu on the focus toolbar). You may also directly edit the macro in the style file or package where it was defined, using . <\block-if|> Still using the menu, you may also specify |style options>|style parameters>|style options and parameters> that apply to the >> tag. These settings are global, so they will apply to all other >> tags in your document, and generally also to other similar tags. <\block-if|> The >> tag uses themes for its rendering. These themes come with their own style parameters that can be customized via . <\block-if|> <\folded|> <\block-for||> |<\implied-scm> (tmdoc-search-style opt) > |<\implied-scm> (style-get-documentation opt) > <\block-if-else|> > <|block-if-else> <\explain|>>>>> <\block-if-else|> >. <|block-if-else> Undocumented style package. <\block-if|> <\folded|> <\block-for||> |<\implied-scm> (tmdoc-search-parameter par) > <\block-if-else|> > <|block-if-else> <\explain|>>> A parameter of type symbol par))>>. <\block-for||> <\folded|> theme>> <\block-for||members thm)>> |<\implied-scm> (tmdoc-search-parameter par) > <\block-if-else|> > <|block-if-else> <\explain|>>> A parameter of type symbol par))>>. <\block-if|> <\unfolded-documentation|Structured navigation> It is sometimes useful to quickly go through all >> tags and its variants, \ inside a document. This can be done efficiently using the following keyboard shortcuts, menu entries, or icons on the focus toolbar:\ <\description-long> , , >Jump to the first tag similar to >>. , , >Jump to the previous tag similar to >>. , , >Jump to the next tag similar to >>. , , >Jump to the last tag similar to >>. For more information and further useful shortcuts, we refer to the section on . <\block-if-else|> <\unfolded-documentation|Structured insert and delete> The >> tag is a tabular environment. New rows and columns can be inserted using the following keyboard shortcuts, menu entries, or icons on the focus toolbar: <\description-long> , , >Insert a new column on the left-hand side of the cursor. , , >Insert a new column on the right-hand side of the cursor. , , >Insert a new row above the cursor. , , >Insert a new row below the cursor. Existing rows and columns can be removed as follows: <\description-long> , , >Remove the column at the left-hand side of the cursor. , , >Remove the current column and move to the next one. , >Remove the row above the cursor. , >Remove the current row and move to the one below. <|block-if-else> <\block-if-else|> <\unfolded-documentation|Structured insert and delete> The >> tag is used inside interactive sessions. New input fields can be inserted using the the following keyboard shortcuts, menu entries, or icons on the focus toolbar: <\description-long> , , >Insert a new input field above the cursor. , , >Insert a new input field below the cursor. Existing input or input/output fields can be removed as follows: <\description-long> , >Remove the field above the cursor. , >Remove the current field and move to the one below. >Remove the start-up banner of the session. >Remove the last field of the session. <|block-if-else> <\block-if|> <\unfolded-documentation|Structured insert and delete> The >> tag has a variable number of arguments. New arguments can be inserted using the following keyboard shortcuts, menu entries, or icons on the focus toolbar: <\block-texmacs-tag|description-long> <\block-if|> , , >Insert a new argument at the left-hand side of the cursor. , , >Insert a new argument at the right-hand side of the cursor. <\block-if|> , , >Insert a new argument above the cursor. , , >Insert a new argument below the cursor. Existing arguments can be removed as follows: <\block-texmacs-tag|description-long> <\block-if|> , , >Remove the argument at the left-hand side of the cursor. , , >Remove the current argument and move to the next one. <\block-if|> , >Remove the argument above the cursor. , >Remove the current argument and move to the one below. <\block-if| (length (tree-accessible-children t)) n)>> <\unfolded-documentation|Hidden arguments> |> |> When the >> tag is , the following arguments are hidden: ||>>>>. In order to edit the hidden arguments, you should use