<\body> In the group of the menu, you find several ways to customize the rendering of source trees in your document. We recommend you to play around with the different possibilities in a document of your own (after enabling ) or a standard style package in . First of all, you may choose between the different major styles ``angular'', ``scheme'', ``functional'' and ``'' \ for rendering source trees, as illustrated in the figure below: <\big-figure> <\quote-env> ||||||>||>>| <\with|src-style|angular> <\framed-fragment> Theorem. ||> >> ||<\cell> <\with|src-style|scheme> <\framed-fragment> Theorem. ||> >> >|||>|>||>>>| <\with|src-style|functional> <\framed-fragment> Theorem. ||> >> ||<\cell> <\with|src-style|latex> <\framed-fragment> Theorem. ||> >> >>>>> <|big-figure> Different styles for rendering the same source tree. Secondly, you may wish to reserve a special treatment to certain tags like and . In the menu you may specify to which extent you want to treat such tags in a special way: <\description> No tags receive a special treatment. Only the formatting tags and are represented as usual. In addition to the formatting tags, a few other tags like , and are represented in a special way. At the moment, this option is not yet implemented. The intention is to allow the user to write his own customizations and to allow for special rendering of basic operations like . These different options are illustrated below: <\big-figure> <\quote-env> ||||||>||>>| <\framed-fragment> <\with|src-special|raw> Theorem. ||> >> ||<\cell> <\framed-fragment> <\with|src-special|format> Theorem. ||> >> >|||>|>||>>| <\framed-fragment> <\with|src-special|normal> Theorem. ||> >> ||<\cell> <\framed-fragment> <\with|src-special|maximal> Theorem. ||> >> >>>>> \; <|big-figure> Different ways to render special tags. Another thing which may be controlled by the user is whether the presentation of tags should be compact or stretched out across several lines. Several levels of compactification may be specified in the menu: <\description> The tags are all stretched out across several lines. All non-inline tags are stretched out across several lines. All inline arguments at the start of the tag are represented in a compact way. As soon as we encounter a block argument, the remainder of the arguments are stretched out across several lines. All inline arguments are represented in a compact way and only block tags are stretched out across several lines. All source code is represented in a compact way. The ``normal'' and ``inline arguments'' options rarely differ. The visual effect of the different options is illustrated below: <\big-figure> <\quote-env> ||||||>||>>| <\framed-fragment> <\with|src-compact|none> Theorem. ||> >> ||<\cell> <\framed-fragment> <\with|src-compact|inline> Theorem. ||> >> >|||>|>||>>| <\framed-fragment> <\with|src-compact|normal> Theorem. ||> >> ||<\cell> <\framed-fragment> <\with|src-compact|all> Theorem. ||> >> >>>>> <|big-figure> Different levels of compactification. Finally, the user may specify the way closing tags should be rendered when the tag is stretched out across several lines. The rendering may either be minimalistic, compact, long, or recall the matching opening tag. The different options are illustrated below: <\big-figure> <\quote-env> ||||||>||>>| <\framed-fragment> <\with|src-close|minimal> Theorem. ||> >> ||<\cell> <\framed-fragment> <\with|src-close|compact> Theorem. ||> >> >|||>|>||>>| <\framed-fragment> <\with|src-close|long> Theorem. ||> >> ||<\cell> <\framed-fragment> <\with|src-close|repeat> Theorem. ||> >> >>>>> <|big-figure> Different ways to render closing tags.