<\body> The main environment which is used for explanations of macros, environment variables, functions, is inserted using the entry of the and menus. The environment comes with two arguments: the first argument consists of the concept or concepts to be explained, and the second one contains the actual explanation. A typical example would be the following: <\explain> <|explain> The is used for demonstration purposes and decorates the argument. An optional argument can be given with details on the way to decorate the . In this example, we used twice in order to insert the macros to be described. We also used in order to give a short description of the tags (in grey). In a similar way, one may use in order to describe an environment variable. Another example is: <\explain> )> <|explain> The function computes the foo-bar transform of the operator > and applies it to >. In this example, we notice that all code was encapsulated into tags (see ) and arguments were tagged using . <\initial> <\collection>