<\body> documentation site| |index.fr.tm> \| |index.de.tm> \| |index.it.tm> \| |index.pt.tm> \| |index.es.tm> > Welcome to the new documentation project, which is developed via the web. The new help project both allows users to get help from the web and developers to contribute to the documentation effort. Here follow links for the principal types of available documentation. <\itemize> A for beginners. The for users. Additional information for advanced users. for . of documents. More |about/about.en.tm>. Please to or consider making a . developers> <\itemize> How to write your own . How to extend using the Guile/Scheme language. with other programs. Documentation of the of . Specification of the document format|devel/format/format.en.tm>. How to to the documentation effort. Help designing the web site|web/home/welcome.en.tm>. All documentation falls under the . <\initial> <\collection> <\references> <\collection> |?>> |?>> <\auxiliary> <\collection> <\associate|toc> |font size||Information for general users> |font size||Information for T|E>||||0.5fn|>|0fn|-0.1fn>>XACS||||0.5fn|>|0fn|-0.1fn>> developers>