<\body> The following macros can be used for customizing the rendering of figure-like environments: <\explain|> This macro is used for rendering small figure-like environments. The first argument specifies an auxiliary channel (like ``figure'' or ``table'') which is used for inserting the caption inside the list of figures. The second argument specifies the name of the figure (like ``Figure 2.3'' or ``Table 5''). The last arguments and correspond to the figure itself and a caption. <\explain|> Similar to , but for displaying a big figure-like environments. The following tags can be used for customizing the appearance the text around figures, tables and footnotes: <\explain|> This macro controls the appearance of the text ``Figure''. By default, we use bold face. <\explain|> This macro produces the separator between the figure and its number and the caption. By default, it produces a period followed by a space. <\explain|> This macro produces the separator between the number of the footnote and the text. By default, it produces a period followed by a space. <\initial> <\collection>