<\body> code> plug-in> Consider the example of the plug-in in the directory <\verbatim> \ \ \ \ $TEXMACS_PATH/examples/plugins It consists of the following files: <\verbatim> \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ In order to try the plug-in, you first have to recursively copy the directory <\verbatim> \ \ \ \ $TEXMACS_PATH/examples/plugins/minimal to or . Next, running the using <\verbatim> \ \ \ \ make will compile the program and create a binary <\verbatim> \ \ \ \ minimal/bin/minimal.bin When relaunching , the plug-in should now be automatically recognized. The plug-in demonstrates a minimal interface between and an extern program; the program is in more detail in the chapter about writing interfaces. The initialization file essentially contains the following code: <\scheme-fragment> (plugin-configure minimal \ \ (:require (url-exists-in-path? "minimal.bin")) \ \ (:launch "minimal.bin") \ \ (:session "Minimal")) The option checks whether indeed exists in the path (so this will fail if you forgot to run the ). The option specifies how to launch the extern program. The option indicates that it will be possible to create sessions for the plug-in using . <\initial> <\collection>