> <\body> > Thank you for using ! For new users, we recommend the tutorial \P|start.en.tm>\Q. Other useful resources are: <\wide-tabular> |||||||||||||||>|<\cell> On our website , you may find several to get you started: typing your first article, mathematical formulas, structured text editing, tables, laptop presentations, etc. >| >|<\cell> is an up-to-date guide for . The book can both be used to learn and as a guide for more experienced users. >| >|<\cell> The user manual can be browsed via the menu or format|https://www.texmacs.org/tmweb/help/book.en.html> from our website. Our website also offers several . >|>|<\cell> You may use to search for words in the integrated documentation. The icon on the third toolbar can be used to obtain contextual help. >| |<\cell> Further questions? Do not hesitate to to the mailing list and post your questions there. You may also browse the . There is also a . >| >|<\cell> If you like the program, then you can also help us! Please cite in your work using the icon on the third toolbar. You may also money or the team of developers. >>> >