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<expand|tmdoc-title*|Bem vindo <20> documenta<74><61>o do GNU <TeXmacs>|
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Bem vindo ao novo sistema de documenta<74><61>o do <TeXmacs>, que <20> desenvolvido
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<paragraph|Informa<6D><61>o para usu<73>rios>
<item>Um <apply|hyper-link|tutorial|tutorial/tut-tutorial.pt.tm> para
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usu<73>rios do <TeXmacs>.
<item>Informa<6D><61>o adicional para usu<73>rios avan<61>ados.
<item><apply|hyper-link|Plugins|plugins/plugins.en.tm> para o <TeXmacs>.
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<item>Mais informa<6D><61>o <apply|hyper-link|sobre o
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<paragraph|Informa<6D><61>o para desenvolvedores do <TeXmacs>>
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Todos os documentos est<73>o sob a <apply|hyper-link|GNU Free Documentation
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<em|Nota:> Esta tradu<64><75>o para o portugu<67>s do Brasil <20> uma vers<72>o preliminar
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temporariamente usu<73>rios do <TeXmacs> em l<>ngua portuguesa que se sintam
desamparados. Sugest<73>es e corre<72><65>es s<>o bem vindas.<htab|5mm>
<apply|tmdoc-copyright|1998--2003|Joris van der Hoeven|Ramiro Brito
<expand|tmdoc-license|Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or
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<with|left margin|<quote|6fn>|font size|<quote|0.84>|Informa<6D><61>o para
<with|left margin|<quote|6fn>|font size|<quote|0.84>|Informa<6D><61>o para
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