> <\body> |>>> https://gitee.com/XmacsLabs/planet/issues/I6JNE2 <\enumerate> You already have a Gitee account. Open and run the following command: <\shell-code> git --version <\enumerate> We need to generate SSH key by run the following command: <\shell-code> ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "xxxxx@xxxxx.com" \ # Generating public/private ed25519 key pair... * The xxxxx@xxxxx.com here is just the name of the generated SSH key, and does not restrict or require it to be specifically named as a certain mailbox. * Just press Enter three times, and the ssh key will be generated, and . We can print SSH public key using the command: <\shell-code> cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub Copy the SSH public key to your clipboard. In the upper-right corner of any page of Gitee, click your profile photo, then click. In the side bar, click . Paste your public key into the Key field. Click . <\enumerate> Go to the page of "XmacsLabs/planet", click the button, switch to SSH, and copy it. Return to your home directory in The Terminal using the command. We need to clone the warehouse by run the following command: <\verbatim-code> git clone git@gitee.com:XmacsLabs/planet.git (If prompted, enter YES.) <\itemize> Open the planet folder by file manager, and paste the files to be added here. Enter the directory in The Terminal using the command: <\verbatim-code> cd planet We can see which changes have been staged using the command. Use the command: <\verbatim-code> git add XmacsLabs/X202303.tm <\enumerate> Add your own username using the command: <\verbatim-code> git config --global user.name "\<#58A8\>\<#5BA2\>\<#5B9E\>\<#9A8C\>\<#5BA4\>\<#673A\>\<#5668\>\<#4EBA\>" Add your own E-mail using the command: <\verbatim-code> git config --global user.email "bot@xmacs.net" You can view which changes have been done using the command: <\verbatim-code> cat ~/.gitconfig You can make a commit using the command: <\verbatim-code> git commit -m "2023\<#5E74\>\<#7B2C\>\<#4E09\>\<#6B21\>\<#7814\>\<#8BA8\>\<#4F1A\>" <\note*> I already have the developer permission of the repository "XmacsLabs/planet". That's why I can push the code to the main branch and generate a pull request on Gitee. If you do not have the developer permission of the repository, you have to learn how to fork a Gitee/Github project and then create the pull request via the Gitee/Github web. You can make a push using the command. The pull request will be generated automatically. <\initial> <\collection> <\references> <\collection> > > > > > > > > > > <\auxiliary> <\collection> <\associate|toc> |math-font-series||1Welcome> |.>>>>|> |math-font-series||2Topic: How to create a pull request in Gitee?> |.>>>>|> |2.1Some simple preparations |.>>>>|> > |2.2Generate and add SSH public key |.>>>>|> > |2.3Git clone |.>>>>|> > |2.4Git add |.>>>>|> > |2.5Git config |.>>>>|> > |2.6Git commit |.>>>>|> > |2.7Git push |.>>>>|> > |math-font-series||3Topic: to purchase a Loongson laptop> |.>>>>|>