> <\body> Please use v1.1.0|https://github.com/XmacsLabs/mogan/releases/tag/v1.1.0> if you are viewing this document with messy code (They should be Chinese characters). > is a structure editor delivered by >, which is a fork of |https://www.texmacs.org>. Its latest version is >. GNU is a structured editor developed since the late 1990s by |http://www.texmacs.org/joris/main/joris.html>, a mathematician at CNRS in France. It is designed to write high-quality technical documents using an intuitive and easy-to-use graphical interface, and able to achieve the same level of results as . Its main users are currently primary and secondary school teachers (mostly in France) and university researchers. |https://github.com/darcy-shen> released v1.0.0 on January 30, 2022, and created , a non-profit organization that aims to popularize GNU and make it available to more people to enjoy the excellent software developed by . > Highly recommended to watch the following official demo of 2.1 <\padded-center> >|https://youtu.be/H46ON2FB30U> <\itemize-minus> GNU is a designed to create beautiful technical documents using a . It provides a for editing structured documents with different types of content: text, mathematics, graphics, interactive content, slides, etc. can be used as a for many systems in computer algebra, numerical analysis, statistics, etc. Documents can be saved in , or format and printed as or files. Converters exist for / and /. Notice that is based on /. Its rendering engine uses so as to produce professionally looking documents, which can either be printed out or presented from a laptop. New styles can be written by the user and new features can be added to the editor using the Scheme extension language. Runs on all major platforms, , and . \; inherits all the above features from GNU (see |https://www.texmacs.org>), so it can also be used as a efficient study tool for students, teachers, and researchers in science and technology, and suitable to create high-quality assignment documents, report slides, and -level papers.\ Based on GNU , has more bugs fixed, performance-optimized, and the interface beautified. for everyone to learn and create science and technology.> . Interested developers and volunteer contributors are also most welcome to join .> <\with|par-columns|2> <\itemize> <\with|par-columns|1> : \<#6D6A\>\<#718A\>\<#732B\>\<#513F\>>|https://space.bilibili.com/28058658> : \<#8005\>\<#5B9E\>\<#9A8C\>\<#5BA4\>>|https://gitee.com/XmacsLabs/> : |https://github.com/XmacsLabs> Group: |https://www.douban.com/group/texmacs/> : \<#5E72\>\<#7F16\>\<#8F91\>\<#5668\>>|https://www.zhihu.com/people/xmacs> Official Account: \<#8005\>\<#5B9E\>\<#9A8C\>\<#5BA4\>> (xmacs2020) Group: \<#5BA2\>\<#793E\>\<#533A\>>\<#FF08\>Join via account ) Group: \<#5E72\>\<#7F16\>\<#8F91\>\<#5668\>>\<#FF08\>Join via account \<#FF09\> Group: GNU \<#6587\>\<#793E\>\<#533A\>> (934456971) You are also welcome to consult the TeXmacs community, especially the official forum, if you encounter problems while using Mogan. <\itemize> Official Forum: forum|http://forum.texmacs.cn> : |https://github.com/texmacs> : |https://twitter.com/gnu_texmacs> : \ : Videos|https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLaZZkOj3GPYFu9pVsEbthg> |https://www.texmacs.org/tmweb/home/ml.en.html> > |> is an aggregation of documents submitted by users. The topic of focuses on Science and Technology. Selected documents\<#FF1A\> <\itemize> \<#6D6A\>\<#718A\>\<#732B\>\<#513F\>\<#FF1A\>\<#5B9A\>\<#5236\>\<#5FEB\>\<#6377\>\<#952E\>\<#5FEB\>\<#901F\>\<#8F93\>\<#5165\>\<#4EE5\>1\<#4E3A\>\<#5206\>\<#5B50\>\<#7684\>\<#5206\>\<#5F0F\>|http://git.tmml.wiki/XmacsLabs/planet/raw/main/\<#6C88\>\<#6D6A\>\<#718A\>\<#732B\>\<#513F\>/\<#5B9A\>\<#5236\>\<#5FEB\>\<#6377\>\<#952E\>\<#5FEB\>\<#901F\>\<#8F93\>\<#5165\>\<#4EE5\>1\<#4E3A\>\<#5206\>\<#5B50\>\<#7684\>\<#5206\>\<#5F0F\>.tm> \<#5168\>\<#56FD\>\<#9AD8\>\<#4E2D\>\<#6570\>\<#5B66\>\<#8054\>\<#5408\>\<#7ADE\>\<#8D5B\>\<#4E00\>\<#8BD5\>\<#8BD5\>\<#9898\>A\<#5377\>|http://git.tmml.wiki/XmacsLabs/planet/raw/c029037c2f11ec60cfebee2afbd74ceeddc74a4b/doc/2019\<#5E74\>\<#5168\>\<#56FD\>\<#9AD8\>\<#4E2D\>\<#6570\>\<#5B66\>\<#8054\>\<#5408\>\<#7ADE\>\<#8D5B\>\<#4E00\>\<#8BD5\>\<#8BD5\>\<#9898\>A\<#5377\>.tm> \<#8003\>\<#6570\>\<#5B66\>|http://git.tmml.wiki/XmacsLabs/planet/raw/main/\<#9AD8\>\<#8003\>\<#6570\>\<#5B66\>/index.tm> <\quote-env> is named after |https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Mogan>, a famous attraction in my hometown. \<#5E72\>>() literally means "dried ink". The word is derived from \<#5E72\>>() which is a combination of (Mo) and \<#5E72\>(Gan)|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gan_Jiang_and_Mo_Ye>. \V Darcy Labs> >